Swift 10LM-S Digital Video Microscope

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Swift 10LM-S Digital Video Microscope

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Product Information

Swift Digital Video Microscope - 10LM-S Monocular Head

Integrating a high quality 5MP digital camera (captured) and large 3” LCD screen, this advanced microscope offers unlimited possibilities. Capture digital still images or real-time video files directly onto an SD card (maximum 2GB SD card capacity) without the need of a computer. The LCD screen allows easy viewing of specimens and materials between lab partners sharing the same scope. Use the USB for direct connection to your computer or the RCA connection to integrate with your existing classroom technology. Illuminated by a corded, variable intensity 3W LED system found in professional and medical microscopes. Other features include sealed 40XRD and 100XRD objectives, built-in low-drive mechanical stage, coaxial rack and pinion focusing system, 25 Abbe condenser with Iris Diaphragm, 640 X 480 streaming images to computer through USB or Analog device, and a wide base for enhanced stability. Available with choice of monocular or binocular head. Swiftcam II imaging software and calibration slides included. Swiftcam II Imaging software allows you to capture single and time-lapse images or video clips, plus edit, measure, annotate, draw, and magnify captured still images. Swiftcam II Imaging software operates on Windows XP and Vista. Requires 1 GHz processor, Video card: 128 MB, RAM 512 MB or above, and 500 MB Hard Disk. CD-ROM drive, USB 2.0 plug.

Product Code Swift-10LM-MonocularHead
Stock Level 100
Weight 4.000lb

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